There seemed to be two different types of babies in the special care nursery, both of which were transitional. Katie and i watched young families come and go, some of which were transferred to Richland to receive specialized and intensive care and others were discharged, all the while we waited. It was very hard because all of me wanted to believe that we were going home soon, but i identified all to well with the fear and pain that we saw in parents faces as they were moved to Richland.
The last week, however, has been amazing. We watched Abe transition from a helpless patient in the hospital dependent on technology for life to a beautiful baby boy functioning perfectly without support. I am not sure exactly how prayer works, it is hard to understand why Abel was healed and why others were not. But i am convinced that it was the power and mercy of a mighty God responding to the prayers of his people. Over the last week there have been dozens of people who have told me that they were praying for Abe. I have heard about friends and families of friends and families whose grandma's church met to pray for Abel. He as been prayed for by church bodies all over Columbia. Pastors from other church's large and small all over town have called me, come by the hospital and insisted on serving and praying for us. As I have watched you care for, love and minister to us my heart has been encouraged and filled with hope, confident that God moving, willing and Able to give life and restore health.
Have you been praying for Abel? Has your grandma's church been praying for him? Has your sister from another state been calling you about him? Have you been praying anything specific for him? Will you post a reply for me telling us who you know that's been praying? I never want to forget what the Lord has done. I want to show and remind Abel of God's mighty strength, compassion and willingness to heal and give life to those that are weak and lacking. I am going to print off all of your reply's and put them in a special book for him. Thank you so much for the countless phone calls, visits, meals prepared, gifts given and acts of kindness displayed. Your support has carried us through this time.
love i am thankful that u are the kind of dad u are. i am thankful that i came in to you writing this for our sweet son with tears pouring down your face. i am thankful that you are going to live his story with me for the next days, weeks, months and years. i cant wait to see this little joshua grow up to be a man of courage and strength just like his dad.
praying for abel: i have found myslef undeserving of a gift like him since moment one. as soon as we found out we were having a son I began praying for the kind of man and husband he would be. i always prayed he would be a little more joshua like a little less katie but all around wholly surrendered to a King. I have begged and asked and felt nothing back from the Lord in times of despair in those first days- but a since of repentance and humility that we would even be granted the gift of a son. then at times i would go to the thrown and feel amazingly loved and protected as I knew with a faith that could not be waiverd that He who was able was going to do immesurably more than we could ask or imagin in the life of this sweet boy. I have watched as the Lord once again as showed up and made our small story His big story, sustaining life, families and heritages soaked in faith. I will be praying for this man and his generations for the rest of my days and i feel honored to come to the thrown and call out to the Father about my son, my reward.
I am soo happy for you and katie and for baby abel!! My family and I have been praying that God would do something marvelous and he did. God is GREAT!!!! Remember I'm just a phone call away if you need a babysitter :)
I have sent some of the emails to you and Kate already, but know that you prob haven't been on email. I will consolidate them and put in one document for Abel's journal. The faithful on my email prayer hotline were from Mt. Pleasant, Charlotte, Augusta, Dallas TX and of course - the King of Kings himself who 'bends down to lift us up'!
Here is one response received:
"Debbie, I was praying for Abel this morning and got a vision of an angel with brown wavy hair softly stroking his chest with a look of pure bliss on her face. Able was content and smiling as well. He is in good hands I think."
Love, Stephanie
"Chazak, sweet Abel, Be Strong." This is what I think when I pray for your little manchild - and a big Chazak to his momma and daddy who love him enough to entruct him to the Lord - and another Chazak for his dear sisters who will grow faster and dearer for having him in their lives.
I pray to hear this dear one's stories of strength and fortitude as He continues to write them.
Among the multitude of faithful for Abel: my sister and niece, my mother-in-law (who had two early babies and one stillborn), my neighbor from Arkansas whose 27th week-delivered twins (right at a pound each) are now thriving five year olds, and of course, my little girl who adores Abel's momma.
Chazak, Walters family.
Cheraw and all my high school girls have been praying for him! My mom's SS class has been praying. I have friends that read my blog that live all over who have been praying for him too.
Thank you for allowing us to celebrate and Praise the Lord through your lives. Oh yea, and a sweet little boy and girl, named Christian and Belle have been praying for Abel. "Dear God, help little Abel's lungs work." Belle asked yesterday... "will Abel still be little enough for me to babysit him, when I'm old enough to babysit?" We figured out that YES :), she will be an excellent 13yr-old babysitter when he is 7.
We have had you on the prayer list in our small group since your water broke the first time. Fervent prayers went out with his delivery and ICU stay. Prayers of rejoicing went out this past Friday night as we had news precious Abel was coming home. You've also been e-mailed out on Dutch Fork's prayer chain. I know many in the church have been praying for the Walters family as I have been asked for many updates. And it has taught our children compassion, empathy, concern, and love. Cade and Benjamin haven't missed a mealtime, bedtime, or even a now and then time to bring sweet Abel to God's throne in prayer. Seeing your 2 and 4 year old lift up an innocent baby, struggling for healing, brings tears to a momma's eyes and tugs on her heart like nothing else. We are amazed at how God has worked through this, and once again see how awesome you two are. You're strength in all of this is the real testimony to God's working in your family. You are precious (is it okay to think that of you Josh?? :)) and we love you guys.
All of the wonderful Hopper clan has been praying for Abel. Which means; Taylors, Gaffney, Charleston and Greenville SC! You are all already famous cutie. That sweet face has been on my mind constantly and I am honored to life him to our Lord.
of course you know Nick and I prayed super hard for Abel, but I also had two other sweet stories. I put a prayer request up for Abel on "the city" which is like facebook for members of marshill. So many women I barely knew were telling me they were praying for him and it was really touching. People that I thought didn't even know my name were coming up to me asking how Abel, Ruby, & Josh were. One woman in particular said she spent a whole night weeping & singing over Abe.
Also - my friend from high school was so overcome with a need to prayer for Abe, she wrote a blog about it: Katie has met Jenny, but I don't think you ever have... so it was really sweet that she felt so compelled to fight for ya'll & him in prayer.
ok- I know that the day has come to take him home. Prayer is the most powerful tool that we can use and God promise always pulls us through. You guys are strong and faithful and we know that ABE will be just as stong! We love you both and we have been posting pray to my friend across the country with OCC. They are faithful to pray for you guys. Love you lots!
dude, this is a beautiful post. Kelly and I were and are praying for sweet Abel and we are so glad to hear how he's doing. Praise Jesus.
I have prayed for Abel since the beginning. When he was still inside Katie's belly. Everyone that knows me knows about Abel and his fight. I asked my friends, my boss, co-workers, ex boyfriends, old friends, and some of my Owners to pray for him. I left a ton of messages on J & K cell phone(even though no one ever called me back, which I understand), sent text messages, and went to the hospital to let you know how much I love yall. All 5 of you... JDub,KTbell, AnnaJayeJ, Abidoodle, and my innocent Abe :)Aunt Ashley
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